Parking News
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How Do I Know If My Online Ads are Generating Parking Revenue?
Your online presence plays a pivotal role in how potential customers find you. As a parking facility manager, your goal is to get your location in front of as many eyes as possible, and running online ad campaigns will help you do just that.
What Do You Need to Consider When Launching a Mobile Parking App?
Mobile parking apps have taken the parking and mobility industry by storm, allowing customers to do more than pay for parking, all from their mobile devices. The challenge?
Precise ParkLink Receives Letter of Good Standing for COR Certification
Precise ParkLink is proud to announce that we have received a Letter of Good Standing for our Certificate of Recognition (COR™) from the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA).
Brant Community Healthcare System Extends Longstanding Partnership with Precise ParkLink
After nearly seven years of partnership, we are thrilled to announce that the Brant Community Healthcare System has selected Precise ParkLink to remain as the health system’s parking technology provider.
Precise ParkLink Proud to Support The Vaughan International Film Festival
To support the continued growth of the community spanning beyond parking, we are proud to be the VIP Pre-Launch Dinner Sponsor for the 10th Annual Vaughan International Film Festival.
Combating App Fatigue with App-Free Mobile Payment Options
Remember the time when you could never have too many mobile apps on your mobile device? Now, between the overwhelming number of apps on the market and the constant stream of notifications, mobile apps have…
In Case You Missed It: Managing with Technology Webinar
We recently hosted an insightful discussion on how you can leverage technology and deploy intelligent solutions to manage your parking program successfully.
Multimodality and Parking: The End-to-End Customer Journey
The last mile of any journey is often the most fraught. This phenomenon was first conceptualized by utilities and communications providers that were able to, for example, deliver their products to a neighbourhood fairly easily but then experienced challenges connecting individual homes…
The Toronto Parking Authority Selects Precise ParkLink as a Vendor of Record for Business Strategy and Marketing Services
Precise ParkLink is proud to announce that it’s in-house marketing and communications team has been selected as part of the Business Strategy and Marketing Services Vendor of Record arrangement (VOR) for Category 1: Strategy Development and Creative Partner for the Toronto Parking Authority (TPA).
The Role of People in the Age of Parking Automation
Over the years, traditional parking management strategies have shifted, with technology playing a more prevalent role in managing parking operations.
Precise ParkLink's Certified Series program™ is the ultimate economic and sustainable approach to meeting your on-site parking technology needs.
Precise ParkLink’s Adamo Donatucci Becomes First Parksmart Advisor Amongst Canada’s Parking Operators
We are proud to announce that Precise ParkLink's Business Development and Strategy Officer Adamo Donatucci has become the first Parksmart Advisor in Canada representing a parking operator.
4 Considerations When Transitioning Your Parking Management to a Completely Automated Strategy in 2024
For decades technology and automation have been at the forefront of successful parking operations. We have utilized technology to reinforce many parts of the customer journey and our business management experiences, from mobile apps to business intelligence tools and smart pay stations…
Precise ParkLink’s Maria Lato Named BOMA Toronto’s Young Professional Committee’s New Co-Chair
We are proud to announce that Precise ParkLink’s very own Marketing and Communications Manager, Maria Lato, has been named the new co-chair for BOMA Toronto’s Young Professional Committee.
Precise ParkLink Introduces LINK™— Management, Anywhere, Anytime.
Precise ParkLink is pleased to formally introduce LINK™— a management strategy that allows parking operators, facility and property managers to successfully manage their parking from anywhere, anytime.
In Case You Missed It: BI Webinar
We recently hosted an informative discussion on how business intelligence and analytics can help develop a greater understanding of your business, including your parking operations.
The Value of BI & Analytics in Smart Parking
BI and analytics are the backbones of any successful parking operation. We asked our team why they believe business intelligence and analytics are integral to smart parking…
The Role of Parking Occupancy In Dynamic Pricing Structures
Parking occupancy provides valuable insight into how well a parking operation is running. It reflects the difference between the demand for parking and the capacity available, providing immense opportunities for revenue generation.
5 Ways Data and Analytics Can Improve Your Parking Operation
Now – more than ever – organizations of all sizes are gathering data to gain new insights into their customers and develop…
In Case You Missed It: Airport Webinar
We recently hosted an insightful discussion on the top innovative technology trends that will result in successful airport parking management, efficient performance and more significant revenues…